Tag Archives: anita m harris

Ithaca Diaries supporter confronts Boston racism; please help fund her campaign.

Children’s author, fellow Cornell alum and friend Irene Smalls, who lives in Boston  (and promoted Ithaca Diaries at the Frankfurt Book Festival and  contributed books to  the kickstarter campaign)  writes:

Irene Smalls fenceSometime yesterday someone scrawled on the side of my house “Every nigger is a star.”  I was stunned.  I have lived in my neighbohood in downtown Boston for 38 years without incident.  Now, someone is perpetrating a silent assault against me personally and my property  with the “n word.”  I don’t know if it was a prank or a threat. Either way I get a chill entering my front door each day now.  I feel violated and ignored at the same time.  Who ever did this does not know I write books for all children or that I volunteer in the community.  I am raising money to demolish the offensive fence and put security cameras around my property. I am preparing.  My hope is this will never happen again but I am getting ready in case this racist message was real.   I will not be forced out of my neighborhood by hoods or threat of harm.

Please join me in  helping Irene fund her “go fund me”  campaign to replace the fence?

http://www.gofundme.com/rq857g  .

–Anita M. Harris

Anita Harris is a writer and communications consultant based in Cambridge, MA. Her new book, Ithaca Diaries, was published earlier this year by Cambridge Common Press. A new edition of Broken Patterns, Professional Women and the Quest for a New Feminine Identity came out in 2014.  Both are available  from Amazon and Kindle at  http://www.amazon.com/Ithaca-Diaries-Coming-Age-1960s/dp/0692294988

“Ithaca Diaries” Cornell Memoir Now on Amazon

Book Cover-Cambridge Common Press is pleased to announce that an advance edition of Ithaca Diaries ,by Anita M. Harris, is now available for purchase in paperback and kindle formats via Amazon.com.

Ithaca Diaries, is a coming of age memoir set at Cornell University in the tumultuous 1960s. The story is told in first person from the point of view of a smart, sassy, funny, scared, sophisticated yet naïve college student who can laugh at herself while she and the world around her are having a nervous breakdown. Based on the author’s diaries and letters, interviews and other primary and secondary accounts of the time, Ithaca Diaries describes collegiate life as protests, politics, and violence increasingly engulf the student, her campus, and her nation. Her irreverent observations serve as a prism for understanding what it was like to live through those tumultuous times.

An official launch is slated for mid-January, 2015.

Millennials Support Ithaca Diaries Kickstarter

Kickstarter campaignfor Ithaca Diaries is going well–just $400 from goal, at this writing!  I want to thank my twenty-something friends for their support–

Alex Tomasi, a 2014 Boston University communications grad (and race car driver!)  has offered this beautiful, whimsical poster as a new reward.  (c. Alex Tomasi)

Copyright 2014

You can meet Alex and other 20-something supporters– Erin Euler, Eric Morris (Cornell 2012),  Grant Randall  and Ben Whiting  via their brief You Tube videos…

Any and all contributions welcome–including $1 and $5.  Every little bit helps–and also raises projects in the kickstarter rankings and attracts more views. It would also be great if you’d’ share this email and the kickstarter link on social media.

Here’s the kickstarter link:

It does look like we’ll reach the goal soon…which means that Ithaca  Diaries will be available for holiday gift giving. Additional $$ will allow a Kirkus review to let bookstores and libraries know it’s available–and still more will go toward an interactive Web site.

Many many thanks,
Anita M. Harris

Ithaca Diaries featured as “staff pick” on Kickstarter

Book Cover 6x9 9-13-14 - CopyI’m excited to report that shortly after Ithaca Diaries opened for business on kickstarter, I received an email saying that someone on the staff “loved” the project and had chosen it for highlighting on the kickstarter site!
I’m hoping to raise $3500 to bring the book to life.  The writing and editing are done, but it still needs an index and some publishing tweaks. I’m secretly hoping that people will contribute more money so that I can add interactivity to the Ithaca Diaries site…and you can tell YOUR story.  Any and all contributions would be appreciate. Here’s a link to the kickstarter site. Many thanks–Anita

Anita M. Harris is a communications consultant, blogger and author based in Cambridge, MA. She is managing director of the award-winning Harris Communications Group, blogs at New Cambridge Observer, and the author of Broken Patterns, Professional Women and the Quest for a New Feminine Identity.